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infectious disease hospital中文是什么意思

用"infectious disease hospital"造句"infectious disease hospital"怎么读"infectious disease hospital" in a sentence


  • 传染病院


  • Cases in choosing the sewage treatment techniques for infectious disease hospitals
  • " both the government and the hospital authority have never considered or studied the option of converting the correctional institution into an infectious disease hospital
  • The committee endorsed government s proposal to develop infectious disease units attached to selected acute hospitals , rather than to build a single standalone infectious disease hospital
  • According to the particularity of infectious disease hospital , demonstrates and chooses appropriate ventilation and air conditioning system , and presents some suggestion for the infectious disease hospital design code
  • In the measures that we are adopting , we are also looking towards the possibility of enhancing our infection control facilities in hospitals . we look at three options . one is to build a new infectious disease hospital
  • In response to a press report that the administration was considering to convert the chi ma wan correctional institution into a temporary infectious disease hospital for treating severe acute respiratory syndrome ( sars ) patients , a spokesman for the health , welfare and food bureau said today ( june 9 ) that the report was totally groundless
    就传媒报道政府正考虑改建芝麻湾惩教所,作为治疗严重急性呼吸系统综合症临时传染病医院, ?生福利及食物局发言人今日(六月九日)回应指该报道毫无事实根据。
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